Wednesday, July 31, 2013


We have all had them at least once. If you're sitting there shaking your head, you had them as a baby. No lie.

They suck. I hate them. I don't get them a lot but i have had some. I had them just a few minutes ago and let me tell you, they lasted a few hours. I got a headache and most times I get a stomach ache.

Now your saying "that doesn't happen to me" so let me say this. I don't know anyone that has that too.

What causes these hiccups you wonder? Well let me tell you.
- eating too much food quickly
-drinking too much alcohol
- swallowing to much air
And the list goes on.
What can you do to stop it?? Well there are a few things you can do but most of the time you just have to wait it out.
You can:
- take a spoonful of honey
-take a spoonful of sugar
- hold your breath and count slowly to ten
-annd drink some cold water.
These stinky hiccups are annoying. Lol

For more information, go to
I got most of this information from there. Keep it cool. :)

-hiccuping annoyed sarah

Monday, July 29, 2013

Are you in a good mood?

   Tonight I have to say I am in a great mood. I will not mention why but it feels like anything can happen and that I'm ready to try every new thing. :))
     So, when I am in a good mood, I am hyper and can't stop squealing.  Hehe I think I might even have embarrassed myself on twitter. I think I posted like seven posts about how happy I am right now. In fact, this blog post might make you change your mind about reading anything else I post in the future. :) I don't really care at the moment. :)
     So I want to know what you do when you are in the best mood possible.
   Right now I am so happy that I might be close to tears. Lol its sad really.
   I wish I could have this mood all the time. Life would be emotional but it would ensure a good time. :) tehe okay I'm totally gonna go now because I'm going to get annoying if I haven't already. Lol
So what is it that makes you happy and what things do you do?

-hyper and happy Sarah

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Do you ever?

   Do you ever have those times when you are so determained to be the right person and do the right thing but when you do, it ends up not being what people want? You know what I mean? Like the one time you actually try to be better, you just aren't? Then you feel like you should stop trying and don't for a while and then start trying again and it happens like a cycle. And no matter how many time you complete that cycle, you think maybe the one time that you try won't be a fail and that this time it will make people happy. Not like all those that haven't in the past.
   That little sheer of hope happens every once in a while and that's what keeps us going.
  Some people say there is no hope. They have no hope.      Wrong.
  even when you don't realize it, we have hope. No matter if we think we don't. We can have that one sliver of hope still inside of us that we don't know exsists.
  This world would be a different place without hope. Think about that.

-slightly hopeful Sarah

This is me..

Be you. Why would you be anyone else?

So for my first blog, I wanted to start by saying that we have never been tired of being somebody else. We all want to be somebody else. Fit in somehow. Change something about ourselves that we should originally love. You should love that you are different and not like everyone. Your saying " why should I listen to her? She probably thinks this way too. " and yes. Let me tell you. I do think this way. I am very self concious. I worry all the time about my looks or how stupid I act around people. So why am I giving you advice?
Because I believe we can change. We don't always have to be like this. Trust me, nobody can see all those flaws that you see. Nobody probably judges you more harsh than yourself. Take it easy. Those flaws, that you would rather die than to have, people would love to have.
Okay so my flaws are that I have frizzy hair, am really short, and have big lips. I know for a fact that almost everyone I meet loves my hair and wishes it could be there's. No lie. They tell me. Also apparently, some guys like short girls. Even though I can look at a bright side of my flaws, I still struggle with accepting them. So I understand it is hard for you to just accept what you have and move on. Trust me. Adults even have insecurities. Its only human. So I guess what I am trying to put out there, whoever you are, whether you respond or not, is just to not try so hard to be somebody your not. Be you. One and original. Because there is nobody you can be better than you. :) remember that. Signing off foe now I guess but if you want to talk, I'm here.

-unique, original Sarah.